Good Manners

I look at my social media pages and I see many, many rude people. They are not privileged, rich or part of the one percent.. they are not racists. They are rude with apparently no home training.

This is everywhere… when I drive through my city I have to stop for people randomly wandering into the street – accident right? No, once they have realized there is a car sitting there waiting on them to move, they have a conversation with their friend (who has also wandered into traffic with them) and make me wait another 2 or 3 minutes on them to finish.

No one uses turn signals. This is an act of complete disregard for your fellow drivers.

In the grocery store I cannot get to the bread anymore for someone standing there with their smartphone googling how much gluten is in certain brands. No one cares that this will take forever because the connection is just not that good in the grocery store. No one cares that other people would like a loaf of bread. The thought running through my head the whole time while I wait is MOVE! PLEASE MOVE!!

I don’t say this because I am not a rude person. My grandmother would have slapped the shit out of me if I had said that…

Is this national rudeness really a lack of no home training? Or can the damn cell phones be blamed?

In most cases I have seen – total disregard can definitely be blamed on a cell phone, but then it leads one to think about it; and one comes to the conclusion that if a person wasn’t a rude ass person they wouldn’t be on their phone in certain situations anyway.

Here are some things that I was taught during my childhood that may be useful in the world today:

Don’t interrupt people. For God’s sake please stop this horrible habit. It renders conversation useless. It hurts the other person’s feelings and pisses them off. It is rude as hell.

Respect. For your elders and other people around you. This includes actually thinking about another person’s position in life, if you may be making them late for something, if you may be causing them harm mentally or even physically. When you slam the door in an old lady’s face because you are too distracted with your own bullshit, it simply reinforces the thought in her mind that yes, she is old and no one cares about her anymore… and the world is going to shit. Don’t depress old folks, respect them and others.

Crudeness. First, the definition of the word Crude is: in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined. In human terms this means you are still a baby, or neanderthal. Whatever. Either way, you obviously have not learned how to be refined in any way. Refinement and Gentility are words that we don’t like to hear anymore… they for some reason have been associated with all sorts of negative things, but those two action words are what keep people from resorting to blood baths in the streets, killing homeless people just because one can, and preying on the helpless. When a person is refined, they are more likely to be gentle as well. So the next time you want to publicly post things like nasty porn (that children will see – including your younger brothers and sisters) or attack strangers online with your foul vocabulary and infinite Google knowledge.. please remember that it is very crude and yes.. it’s offensive for many reasons that do not include your personal freedoms.

Bravado. Bravado is the national plague here. We want to boast about what we can do, how “bad ass” we are, how wonderful we are, that we bought a homeless man a coffee, that we did this or that and look what a great person I am! Bravado falls into the category of Crude, but it’s such a problem anymore that it needs it’s own category. Do your works in silence and wait for someone to notice huh? Because if it’s really worth the acknowledgement you will get it.

This covers a few – I didn’t include the “don’t talk back”, “children shouldn’t listen to adult conversations”, and a few others that I was raised with… these I’ve mentioned are ones I’ve seen more often than not and it’s bad.

It’s bad because when one person is looking for a reason why another person treated them with such ill regard they will turn their minds to all sorts of negative conclusions: Oh, she’s racist – that’s why she slammed the door in my face; Nah man.. that white lady just won’t move cause we’re Mexican; Maybe that guy didn’t say sorry when he stepped on my foot because he doesn’t like fat people..

No folks. These people are rude and have no home training. They do not care what you look like at all because they probably never even noticed. They stepped on your foot (or rolled over it with a grocery cart) and never even noticed because they were too busy with their own lives… This is what ultimate rudeness brings. Total disregard for your fellow man… and people… it is one of our biggest problems today.

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