September Window

September by Earth, Wind & Fire.

We are sitting in an old metal chair. Rounded back with those bars connecting the top to the seat of the chair.

We are staring out a half open window. Staring through clean sparkly glass window panes set in an orangy colored wood frame. With white sheer curtains gently blowing in at us on the breeze. The Sun glints hot in the upper right pane.


We are looking at this. At an empty chair, in front of this open window. The sheer curtain blowing over a vacant seat, laying limply over the barred chair back.

Dust floats away from the sheer curtains, caught sparkling in the sunbeams burning through the hot glass.

When you look past the chair, past the window sill, through the hot glass. You see trees, green and full, bushy, Oak-like trees. They line the left side, forming a curving barrier to the forest behind them.

Past those trees, out in front of the window… Stretches miles of hills of beautiful green grass. Grass green grass. Perfectly so.

Blue skies and rolling, fluffy white clouds… The burning and blinding Sun, brilliant and radiant little ball glinting and gleaming off of the hot glass window pane.

A breeze blows in the window. Outside it moves the upper branches of the trees making them sway gently towards the East… all the same direction they lean…

The grass moves, laying down gently towards the South.

The clouds roll across the brightest, surreal blue sky. It is such a bright blue. Cartoonish. Fake. Infinite. As blindingly blue, as the white and shadowy clouds are blindingly white, rolling across this infinite backdrop in slow motion.

The glass in the window gets hotter and hotter in the afternoon Sun.

A clock makes itself known in the background, breaking the silent scene. A metronome. Tick……………………………Tick……………………….Tick………………………..Tick………………..Tick………………..

The only noise, the only sound.

3 days after Midnight. 104 degrees West.

A slow fan beats the air. Dull metal blades against thick, warm and wet oxygen. A strange whomping noise over and over. Beating the dust around.

And the dust forms words in the air, in the sunlight………..

Remember…….. Adapt……………..Prepare………………Love One Another.

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