Some Dark Shit – La Familia

Push to Play – Warning Explicit Lyrics: Darling – Crass – Stations of the Crass. 1979

I feel I hear this in the voice of Eve Libertine in my head…

Small, tiny, cloistered horror show.

Dark, musty, dusty, and hot in there… The stench of old food and trash.

Your disease is my disease my dear.

A shared, unbreakable quarantine of unfathomable proportions.

18 years plus the inheritance.

Fucking weird, creepy dens of cults of name, only infiltrated by those held in gross fascination of the nightmare.

One can’t imagine what goes on in there…

That little, dark room. Those blurry moments of lost time. Lost sanity.

A child’s private Hell.

Mother’s Love.

So cherished, so revered.

So blackened

by the Grips of Vanity.

What monsters will crawl from these new pits?

Crawling, growing, breeding…

Infinite troubles.

Society’s dirty child stumbles around a dirty and sticky floor.

The goo getting thicker as the child gets closer to the door. Smushing up between those little toes, finally securing the child’s feet to the horrid destiny of a diseased beginning. It cries as it realizes it cannot reach the door…

In the corner is a point of cold, blue light. The bright square shadowed by the dark silhouette of a figure hunched in praise and adoration before it.

The soft clicking noises drown out the child while imprisoning the adult in a hypnotic murmur.

It will be a long time now. We move ever forward swiftly and backwards into the past.


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