
When those drums in Africa stop beating it’s over.


The drums are a heartbeat.

The heartbeat of the Mother, stopped dead in Her ancient rotation.

The sins brought against Her have not gone unnoticed. The abuses ravaging Her flesh, bones, blood and organs as this is written.

In the 15th Century “great” men looked upon the closest children of our Mother and deemed them “primitive” and “uncivilized”, because they held Her ways.

In their shame of knowing that they crawled on their bellies from the same muddy womb as every other creature in this world, they set about to destroy that Mother, as well as their brothers and sisters.

Those who could bear witness against them.

I imagine Her testimony against Her wayward sons might be;

You are not the only Children of God, simply a few of many.

You have gone astray with your shame of who you are and where you come from. You have wronged your Mother, brothers, and sisters.

You now seek to kill your Mother while blaspheming your Father.

You have reason to be ashamed. Of what you have done and become.




She takes a deep, concentrated breath of the hot winds, and feels the burn as they fill Her bleeding lungs…

A great inflation. Trees, plants, buildings… Everything moves en masse. A great exhalation and ash brings a grisly grey sky.

When the drums of Africa stop beating it is over.

Mama gone.

No more milk and honey flowing from the great beast of our ancient and forgotten old mother…

No more Diamonds to hold up your façade of love. No more Rare Earth to replace your intellectual ineptitude. No more Chocolates to sweeten your evil souls. No more precious metals to fuel the ever-fattening insatiability of Man.

Gone gone. Mama gone.

The drums are footsteps.

Footsteps of Men. Pounding the Earth, moving in great numbers. Walking forever out of the Mother.

Red Numbers. Flowing like rivers.

The World will let their Mother be kidnapped, enslaved. Forced to vomit up everything keeping her alive… Until she is gone.

Everything dead and gone.

Those drums are the last sounds we’ll hear…







I wrote this before Roe v/s Wade was overturned and re-reading it, I see it could mean many things, as most of my creative writings can tend to.

At the time of the writing (obviously not the posting) it, I think, really is a reference to the abuses of the countries of Africa; and the real systematic racism that began around the 15th century and continues to this day.

Particularly the war in the Tigray region that at one point was starting to look like Genocide… Again… a miserable ongoing theme in countries of Africa left ignored by the rest of the world.

Can you imagine if another Country just stormed into the town of Mayberry and started murdering everyone?

No. You can’t. But it happens quite often in scenarios not too unlike that all over Africa.

That, as well as Africa’s continental position as the Mother of all Humanity, much like the planet Earth Herself, which is being carelessly destroyed with no regard to the future.

It still is about all those things but something else stands out now.

The abuse of the Mother. Of the female figure and image. The eternal and unnecessary war between Venus and Mars.

In general and as a whole.

This continuation of the terror of a spoiled child. The stomping of a 3 year old boy’s foot on the floor.

Mama doesn’t cater to every bad desire. She says no. She disciplines.

He will get her back, her and every woman like her.

The world is changing. It has been written many times that this old world will fall away and a new one will emerge. The keys to unlock the doors to this change have been found and are turning one by one.

Remember though, a changing world is not an Apocalypse, but an Opportunity. An Opportunity to carve out a better future for those who make it. Whatever that future may be…

Let’s hope next time around Mankind manages to sustain a better relationship with their Mother than in this one.

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