Rotten Boards

An ark was in the process of being built… But had to stop to pack…

There is no satisfaction in packing this Go Bag. None in the cases of canned goods filling the closets.

No satisfaction in the knowledge that it can never be enough. No food delivery services are forever sustainable, no constant flow of supplies are always at ones fingertips.

And it will all be heavy and abandoned if we have to go on foot.

But we’ll have these bags. These bags I don’t want to be packing. Trying to decide the most necessary items to go in them. Our lives, scaled back to a duffel bag.

But it’s best to have it done now.

Packed up and sitting where they will be easily “grabbed” on the way out the door.

Vlad has a Wave and a Will.

A wave many of us have seen. In our heads. In our dreams.

He said he will make history.

He will.

It’s in a confused fog this is written. It’s in that same fog we try to prepare for the worst. If there is any preparing for the worst.

Make sure there is a Bukowski and a Bible in there… Important things.

Everything I look at has extra value now. My plants, my home, my family in other places. All these things we may have to leave behind. Running for our lives, taking nothing but what we can carry.

Loved ones who need to be called.

Thoughts are projected into the future. Unoccupied and raggedy children distracted by Jiffy Pop and a movie on an old phone. Humans huddled and whispering around fires and old vans. Darkness and desperation.

My guts roll along with the ever present ache wracking my brain.

Damn all of you Political Pigs.

I worry for my pets. Pray I’ll be able to gather the cats in time. Pray I won’t have to leave anyone..

These are the worries of refugees every where. Every one who had to leave their loved ones, their pets, their things…

Syrian, Ethiopian, Haitian, Puerto Rican, Ukrainian.

The Earth shudders.

All these Humans. Running. So excited. So upset. So Terrified.

All the cries to Heaven, so loud and passionate. So full of need and pain.

Cries seeding the clouds with the tears of a million lost lives, broken hearts… and when it rains…

The water falls in fat drops, then pours forth in great rivulets, crashing through concrete and stone…

Pray we can run fast enough to join our fellow refugees throughout the globe.

This Earth – She is losing patience.

Satellites trash and rockets crash. The moon itself defiled.

One more great mess among the Humans and She’ll lose Her shit completely.

Putin’s not the only one with a wave.

Neptune’s great claw wakes up Hot and Sweaty this year.

What a Rotten path we tread now. The boards old and feeble…

Necessities… Solar power. Food. Vitamins. Antibiotics. Alcohol. Bandages. Memories. Histories. Dictionaries. Road Maps. Mankind. Blister Band Aids. Water. Music.

What all can fit in a bag? On your back? How much can you carry? Over what conditions? For how long?

Does it even matter?

And as the Earth loses Her mind so the Humans will reflect.

It’s a strong Father who holds the family together.



Listen Now when He speaks. And He is speaking Now.

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