Halloween 2021

Rustling whispers on the air tonight…

Where laughter and wild children should be.

Crackles, whispers…

It sure is a strange one.

Bands of gung ho marauders roam, Loyal to the Night.

One small white pumpkin to ward off the growing darkness. A special pumpkin, found in a world with few. Carved out with one main goal…

What will escape your town, your city tonight? Riding high on the backs and shoulders of humans gleefully, and mistakenly, leaving their frights behind them?

Things jumping through the windows of time.

Windows opening on many more nights now than just this night.

There is a Bigger Window open now… It will close. Maybe sooner than later…

Make good use of this time. Inventory one’s resources.

We need no props this year. Empty shelves and rabid people breed in enough fear we suppose. Homemade décor smacks of old war-times… The smell of burlap and old smoke hanging around in the air.

It’s so damn quiet. Maddeningly so. Like a different time, century, or decade.

Like… an airless, cloudless, blue sky moving forever up and out into eternity with people just moving around in it. Phantoms of the past. Shadows on a sidewalk. Cars with no sound. No music in the air. No voices…


Silent cars, people mulling about looking at the ground, mumbling, scared to look another in the eye…

Too fucking quiet around here.

There’s a yard full of old dolls.

They reek of childhood memories, the screams and salty wet tears of a child… They are dirty with sightless eyes, crawling around in the grass.

I wish silently that Home Depot had been able to get all that Halloween décor that is floating about out there.

Broomstick scarecrows from the Fall section. All they had left today she twitters in a high, melodious voice.

They stare over the fence, through the fence, around the fence… They stare at everyone. They are glittery with papery leaves.

Papery, scratchy leaves that leave that rustling, crackling whisper on the breeze, wrapping around ones head and sliding into their ears. You wonder what they are whispering… one can’t really tell.

Words. Slipping through that opening Window.

Ghosts. Filling the air, wanting to help the loved ones.


It is Halloween Again Dear Friends!

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