Many Gods in the Beginning and the End

These lines to this song roll over and over in my head as I watch the news and the human race embarking on a suicide mission into another World War….

“And, I wear it for the thousands who have died,
Believen’ that the Lord was on their side,
I wear it for another hundred thousand who have died,
Believen’ that we all were on their side.” – Johnny Cash, Man in Black

And I think… all of everyone believing that the Lord is on their side… Which Lord? Who’s Lord? What God is on anyone’s side who murders innocent people along with the evil ones? Not mine. Not Jehovah. Not Jesus. No?

I think back to the days when humans had many Gods. The Greeks, Romans, Mayans and Celts all had multiple, multifaceted Gods. One for each face of the human nature. It seems that for all of our need to organize, all of our want for just one uncomplicated God to feed, we will return to the many Gods we once knew because each human worships a different God of their own creation.

It’s a terribly sad concept, but one which I find to be true. See, it’s not my God who would start wars. My God would never drop a bomb on a place knowing that children and old ladies would be possibly blown up or worse. No, He would never do that.

Someone else’s God will.

We say He’s all the same God. He is everyone’s God. But this is not true, and I am not writing or thinking about the divisions we have brought upon ourselves either. Of course we have different religions, some people worship Allah, some worship Jesus… Some worship Kali… But does one ever realize that while you are all standing in the same church, you all have a different idea of your God? And it’s these ideas about your God that recreate Him into something different all together.

The God who “gave you the right” to bear arms and weapons.

The God who makes the crops grow.

The God who needs human sacrifice.

The God who needs you to abuse yourself or others.

Every man makes up his own God and uses it for justification and of course, every man is following the One True God.

I will tell you this humans:

God does not need you to defend Him – Ever. There is nothing a human can ever do that God cannot do 20 times better. Quite honestly and simply, did any of these warmongers out fighting ever think that if God really wanted people to die and you to have some land, why didn’t he just kill them all himself with a plague or something? Why do humans always feel the need to go pick up a gun and fight for God? Or justify their thievery by saying God gave it to them.

Word: If God gave it to You, someone else wouldn’t already have it. Just sayin… Especially with all the vacant land all around and His all powerful abilities to turn that land into anything He wants it to be.

He’s not going anywhere! He’s not imprisoned like Leonard Peltier, we don’t have to rescue Him. He is the Almighty. What kind of psycho ego would think that they needed to save God??

The human kind, that uncannily still needs justification for the evil deeds that can and will be done. Yeah, and if you smarmy ones think you are doing bad things to please your God, or doing things God wants you to do… maybe you are, but realize you have now turned your good God into something different.

I’ll tell you this as well, though doing so is stepping so slightly over the border of assuming to know the mind of God, something else I try not to do, but this is important for you to know:

God is on the side of the innocent, the poor, the stepped on, murdered, abused… He is on the side of children and people who have no other side.

He is not on your side warmongers. Your God is not the same as the God mentioned above and That God is the only one who matters because He is as eternal as human suffering, joy and love. He is immortal in the words of hope, peace and gentility. This God has no name, His face is everyone’s, His church is this Earth and He is neutral.

Wars are short lived exercises. Unfortunately, I think the “Gods” who possess those in the throes of war and mayhem are not “Gods” at all but something wholly different. Or are they?

I’ve heard things like “I’ll put the fear of God in you!”, “The Lord has told me that the only way for you all to be nearer to Him is for you to drink this Kool-Aid”, “God only likes women who cover their faces”… Each one of these sayings is true to the individual saying them. Each one of these Gods is different.

In the end it is not a war of Gods, good against evil… It is a war of men, with God the Father sadly looking down at his pitiful children while they swim in their own blood and blame Him.



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