Passionate People

Passionate people are powerful people. One should remember that. In this world there seem to be many who are living in the hopes and dreams of what they wish would happen. Peace, love and happiness are wonderful ideas. Wonderful goalsĀ to set, but are they realistic ones?

We are all looking for our own personal peace, love and happiness but at what time are all those things present in one’s life?

In the pursuit of your own personal peace, love and happiness you may destroy the lives of others along the way.

You may knowingly or otherwise, justify your actions by dragging in the rights and wrongs of a situation… Justification in the pursuit of your own selfish need for peace, love and happiness.

Will you peace loving hippies be around after the carnage has occurred? No.

You will blatantly ignore the harsh realities around you. The pain that is caused by that blatant ignorance. You will snuggle and plant flowers that will be Napalmed and never think back on those things that you “justifiably” smashed by leading others on and into your unrealistic dreams.

There is a time for peace.

After the storm. Lingering in the exhaustion of the thunder and lightning.

Passionate people, be them good or bad, will prevail. History and human nature has shown this.

Peaceful people can be passionate ones as well. When Martin Luther King gave a speech it was full of fire. Full of passion. He was not a man to tangle with. Nor was he a man to ignore realities. He was a man who was never at peace because of the injustices that he faced.

If you are a person who truly wants to change the world, you cannot possibly be at peace with it.

There is a personal anger that forms when good and passionate humans are faced with injustices.

I will be peaceful after I beat the shit out of the pedophile. After all the animal abusers have endured the suffering they inflicted on the animals. After ISIS has been wiped off the face of the Earth and the Yazidi women have been returned to their homes. After the pollution and trash has been cleaned up from every corner of our living planet. After people stop attacking and bullying each other. After the corporate vampires of the world have been stopped from sucking the life out of everything that moves.

After all this. There will be peace, no?

One says you must find peace in this world regardless of these things. Stay away from negativity while it constantly slaps you in the face.

I personally do not like conflict. I believe in a peaceful existence. Until something lights my fire. Something along the lines of the above and no, I cannot advocate someone blatantly turning their face from these things simply because these things “upset their personal balance”.

Fuck your personal balance. Please wake up. Everything around the world is “unbalanced” and the Earth and your fellow man needs you to wake up.

This is not the 60’s. There is no organization to any movements now.

In chaos, the blind fails and the darkness prevails, but the righteous man will continue on… and he will bring many with him out of that darkness in the end.

In the end, there will be peace. Brought to you by a passionate person nearby.


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