It Might Just Be Time To Start Preparing…

Preparing for what you say? To fight or flight I say…. There are two headlines in the news this morning that gave me serious pause… The first is that Moscow was attacked directly by Daesh this morning. Bad, Bad. Being that Putin is already extremely perturbed by this whole thing, it’s as if a few ants are nibbling away at his ankles. Ankles that are already itchy with eczema.

He will absolutely start fucking stuff up.

The second article was about Osama Bin Ladin‘s young, handsome and charismatic 20 something year old son. The son who will be able to unite all of the terrorist forces… Boka Haram, Daesh, Al Quaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood against the West.

He is calling for it now as we speak.

When he calls for the groups to avenge his father’s death they will unite. If these guys unite, we have an entirely different type of army to deal with.

So, I’m agreeing with my old man that we should move to the mountains this morning… I am remembering that stocking up canned goods is fine for a hurricane, not a hostile takeover… I am wondering whether I will need to have a Burqua for a disguise if we do not get out soon enough.

Or will I stand and fight with my friends and loved ones?? Or will we all be captured or killed? When will Europe and America look like Aleppo??? It’s a crazy world.. I pray that it never comes to this or that.

Here are the links to the referenced articles at the Daily Mail:

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