Horoscopes for the Week of Sunday July 24th to Saturday July 30th

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Well Crabs, don’t try to get away this week. Watch out on Monday when the Moon enters your sign and a love interest, mother or child may present you with a major hard decision. Take your time Cancer, and don’t make any rash moves. Love and fortune are on your side even though you may not know it. Tuesday may turn out to be an emotional one when the moon forms a square with Chiron. Don’t get washed away, you will face these challenges, and it looks like good things will be coming next week so hang in there!

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Things may be rather off with the long-term plans lately. It’s been busy, but last week’s problems seem to have left a residue hard to wash off. The reason for this lingering feeling may show itself on Friday. “If it feels good, do it” should not be your motto this week Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Hope you’re up for an interesting week Aquarius. I know, you are more than ready… Saturn trines with the Moon on Sunday and it seems a good deed that may have come your way from some lady may prove troublesome by Saturday. Take your own counsel on Thursday and keep your head down while you think about things.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

You should be looking at a happy Sunday but watch out for getting your proverbial wallet stolen Pisces. Maybe you just blew all your money at the bar again last night, but wasn’t it worth it? Thursday and Friday you’re attention should be drawn to the home and some minor monetary annoyances between family or women and yourself. This looks like it may be resolved by Saturday and it’s back to the regular flow again Fishes.

Aries (March 21st – April 19th)

If you’ve had some stuff going on you have been in the dark about, this just might be the week you learn what’s up Aries. Look around Wednesday for some news. Sunday’s minor skirmish between you and Uranus has led to some unexpected analysis about yourself and your life. On Tuesday the Part of Fortune enters your house and the Moon squares up with Chiron making this an emotional day. Don’t let something from the past affect your future fortunes. Children, lovers, emotional battles and monetary issues come to a head by Wednesday so tread lightly and watch that temper! Thursday brings a possibility for changes in your fortune that might not be for the best, but a big warm trine between the Sun and Jupiter on Saturday comes in the form of some much needed help.

Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)

Besides all the really aggravating side effects of having Uranus in your house, look forward to some news around Monday or Tuesday that’s gonna piss you off too. A decent square with Mercury in the fifth house shows this could involve affairs of the heart, children or creative ventures. Thursday may feel like one big mess when squares pop-up amid the already unhappy Nodes and Uranus. Shit news and hard conversations can make for long-term unfortunate events to come. Your head should clear Friday when the Part of Fortune wades into this pool and money issues take a front seat. It seems you may feel like taking some actions towards future investments soon and this might be a good move according to a trine with Mars on Saturday.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

The moon moving into your sign on Sunday should bring a little Moon magic to the whole zodiac this week Gemini. Right away it forms a trine with Saturn signaling that some long-term friendships could occur now. While Mercury’s squares with Mars around Monday and Tuesday can lead you to a restless bout of energy. Watch what you say there friend. Things should quiet down by Saturday giving you some good recovery time from any drama.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

With the Sun still in the fourth house of home, and Mercury moving into the fifth house of romance, children and creative pursuits, all the talk is about your house Leo. Monday and Tuesday squares Mercury against Mars for two days bringing ill communications. Be careful what you say in anger. Wednesday proves a much better day when Mercury forms a trine with Chiron “the wounded healer” and the Sun returns. Hang on to this reminder that all is not lost because unexpected and challenging news might present itself on Thursday. Friday the Moon moves in making you moody but Saturday brings a big prosperous day when the Sun trines with Jupiter. It looks like bad news could still be lurking around because Mercury is poorly aspected so be careful with your words.

Virgo ( August 23rd – September 22nd)

Saturday should be a big day for you Virgo. That’s when the moon decides to highlight the fifth house of love, children, and creative pursuits in your world. Keep an eye out for invitations and creative endeavors that may present themselves but other than some distant rumblings from Mercury, it should be rather quiet out there for you this week.

Libra (September 23rd – October 23rd)

The winds of change seem to be blowing more quietly these days Libra but some residual vibes from your ruling planet of Venus may fall across your path this week. She is busy. On Sunday a square formed with Jupiter may cramp your style a little. Be wary of overspending or partying too hard. I know Libra, not a problem! Lol! You should be back out and at it again by Saturday, but a smattering of poor aspects between your planets says maybe you should reconsider.

Scorpio (October 24th – November 21st)

One minute all was quiet and dark, and the next minute you decided you didn’t want it to be quiet and dark anymore huh Scorpio? Sneaking over to the seventh house of partnerships in the middle of the night like that, scaring poor Libra half to death… Maybe you have decided to finally call that old flame you’ve been stalking for the last few years? Whatever it is you are thinking, your Part of Fortune says dwelling on the past may not be the best idea on Tuesday, and you probably shouldn’t make that call or send that email on Thursday. Just so you can avoid any possible problems when your South Node there goes opposite Mars on Saturday. Watch that temper Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

It seems like there is just not much going on right now Sagittarius. Maybe you like it that way. Maybe you could use some action. With Jupiter sitting in the twelfth house of mysteries, it’s a secret when some action may occur though. A petty argument or some trouble with loved ones on Monday probably will fizzle out quickly. Jupiter forms a trine with the Sun on Saturday and since Jupiter is your mother planet, you should get some good residual vibes for a second.